Introduction of database
Collection of Goto clan's historical documents (stored in Naruto University of Education Library)
The collection lists the historical documents that had been passed down in Goto clan for generations. The original collection is currently stored in Naruto University of Education Library.
"Rekimin" cards · archaealogy · for public use
Items labeled as "archeology" from Rekimin cards
Collection of Machino clan's historical documents (stored in Chiba University Library)
The collection lists the historical documents that had been passed down in Machino clan for generations. The original collection is currently stored in Chiba University Library.
"Rekimin" cards · history · for public use
Items labeled as "history" from Rekimin cards
A collection of individuals or objects.
temporal information
temporal information
Geographical information
Geographical information
Yamada documents in Kaminoyama city
catalogue of Yamada documents held by the Kaminoyama City Library
Collection of Historical Documents on the History of East Asian Interaction in Medieval Japan
Collection of Historical Documents on the History of East Asian Interaction in Medieval Japan
Nishikie in National Museum of Japanese History
Nishikie in National Museum of Japanese History
khirin property
Under the namespace, we define all custom object properties used in the khirin.